Little by little, getting sucked back in :)
Won a 5.50 18 man a couple days ago, completely dominated the final table. When down to the last 4, I had 18-20k chips to everyone else's 2k. Got in good every time, hands mostly held, felt good.
Managed to work my way past 1k at 25NL, only playing once or twice a week. Managed to dust off 2 BI at 100NL last night (after getting down to -5BI at one point). Most of it was plain old bad luck: flopped trips go down in flames to runner runners twice, ran JJ into QQ on a guy that shoves with any pair... the usual stuff. Had a fish calling me down with draws and getting there almost every time. Made a couple questionable (read BAD) plays.
Got a str8 flush on an AAx board - didn't get paid, as the river that filled my str8 flush was a 4th club, the tightie managed to find a fold of what I assume was an Ace.
My big win for the night was on tilt management. I didn't tilt at all. When I started getting tired, I took a quick ride on my bike in the cold night air, came back refreshed. I didn't break, throw, mangle, yell or torture anything. I actually enjoy playing again.
As for bankroll management... it's non-existant. I'm going to take myself back down to 25NL for a while, even though I feel most comfortable at 100NL. 10BI is not exactly smart money management.